Saturday, May 30, 2009

May days

We've been having lots of fun this May! The weather has finally started to get nice again!
Chilling in the backyard

Hanging out with dad at the park
Enjoying a nice cold beverage over Memorial day weekend :)~

Waiting for the parade to start

Whoa! Look what I can do...

Time to lower the crib again!

Ok, can she be any cuter??

Audrey loves Hays...

Unfortunately, Hays doesn't feel the same way. Look at that dog's face!

Audrey has been pulling up on the couch too...look one hand!

Big smiles!!

This is her "I'm gonna git you sucka" face
Having a playdate in the park with her new friend Grace
And now, the goofiest picture of Audrey to date...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Audrey's in the tub! Audrey has grown out of her newborn bath introducing Mr. Ducky Bath!! First, let's reminisce about Miss A in her younger bathing days... She looks comfortable, huh?

Fast forward a few months, Audrey is having a fabulous time in her big yellow duck!

In other news, we took a trip down to Columbus so Dad could get sworn into the Ohio Bar!

Dad & Audrey in front of the state capitol

Kisses from Mom!

In the big fancy bathroom of the Ohio Theater

And last but not least, Audrey is now the proud owner of two teeth! A picture would be great, but have YOU ever tried to get a shot inside the mouth of 7 month old. Believe me, they're there...this kid's a powerful bite! Ouch!

Monday, May 11, 2009

7 months old!!!

Audrey is 7 months old today!!! Can somebody please tell me where my little baby went? She can pull herself up and is doing the army crawl all over the house. We've heard dada, lala, baba come out of her mouth, but no mama yet :( And now some pictures of Miss Audrey!

Contemplating the last 7 months...

The sign I made has no chance...

Here's Audrey watching dad on TV

And now, for your viewing pleasure, Audrey demonstrating her latest talent: lip smacking!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Time to babyproof!

Uh-oh! Audrey is mobile!!!!

What can I say, the kid loves Cookie Monster ;)