Since my last post, I was contacted by hundreds of photography agencies who wanted me shooting for them all over the world…so that’s where I’ve been. Me and my trusty Nikon have been globe-trotting and capturing some of the most rare photos you have ever seen!
In my best Seth Meyers/Amy Pohler voice…REALLY?!?!?
Nope, I’ve just been incredibly lazy when it comes to updating here.
So here is a long awaited, photo-heavy post…
So first off, we had a fabulous Derby Day party back in May complete with a Mint Julep bar, YUM!
Audrey spent her breakfast looking over the odds and preparing to make her Million Dollar bet…
Lots of kids came to the party including super cute Caitlin!
Mom Mom & Pop Pop Came too!
Big hats were included as well…
Spring finally decided to show up, Audrey loves the flowers!
and learning to come her own hair!
Here’s Audrey’s favorite new pastime…Flying!
Pretty girl on a pretty spring day
Showing of her cute smile :)
Hey, here’s a rare sight…a picture of Mom & Audrey!
Last but not least, here’s Audrey showing off here yogurt goatee…gross!
Promise the next update won’t take as long!!!