Monday, July 13, 2009

9 months!! (+2 days)

Audrey turned 9 months old on Saturday! Again, and I say this every month, where the heck is time going???? So what's Audrey up to these days?
-crawling everywhere and doing it super fast, she definitely keeps me on my toes
-cruising around the furniture
-dancing (as seen in the video below)
-saying "dog" to Hays, "baby" to the little baby on the diaper package, "mama" (yeah!!!), "dada", and lots of other babbling
-possibly cutting her top two teeth...we'll see
-eating everything in sight, but still a little peanut
-finally starting to grow some hair
-just generally the happiest baby I ever saw!

Here's her monthly picture in the green chair:

I didn't make the sign this sign this month because a. she usually just eats it and b. we were busy celebrating another birthday: The big 3-0 for Ben!!

And now for a shamless vote plea:

I entered Audrey in a beautiful babies contest!!! Go here:,0,5306465,permalink.ugcphotogallery?u=acooke14

and give Audrey a 10!!

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