Friday, November 12, 2010

It's been a while....

It's been a while since our last post but I have a good excuse! I promise!

Audrey's new little bro or sis!!!

Baby Cooke #2 coming sometime around Memorial Day 2011!
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

A post about ice cream

Who doesn't love ice cream??? Honestly, I have no idea... I love ice cream, Ben loves ice cream. You know who really loves ice cream? Audrey. You know who really, REALLY loves ice cream? Hays. We found this out the other night (well, not really. Hays has quite the affinity for people food) when ventured out to our local DQ and Miss A brought home a delectable chocolate (or as Audrey calls it "chaaawwwcklate") cone. Here's what followed:

Audrey, obviously enjoying her ice cream

(in my best Hays voice) "uh, hi, yeah, can i have some of that???"

"uh, please?"

"you're gonna have to catch me first, dog!"

"well, ok, you can have a little lick..."

And you know Hays ate up that cone like it was going out of style
The look on Audrey's face is priceless

poor kid...
**All lost cones were promptly replaced**

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The law of 2s

Audrey is full-fledged toddler! Right now she is all about 2: she'll be 2 in 2 months and already in terrible 2s mode! Man, can this girl throw a fit when she doesn't get her way. It's a good thing she is as cute as can be and incredibly smart to boot. She can count to 13, knows almost all of her colors, practices her abc's and speaks in full sentences. I'm talking 5/6 word sentences! Just the other day she said to me "Hi mom, come sit right here" patting her hand on the couch. I am amazed at her verbal development! I've lost count of how many words she says because she is that good at telling me exactly what she wants :)

I have tons of pictures but need to upload them so I'll leave you with a few from last month:

***I know how long it's been, trying to get better :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Long overdue…

Since my last post, I was contacted by hundreds of photography agencies who wanted me shooting for them all over the world…so that’s where I’ve been.  Me and my trusty Nikon have been globe-trotting and capturing some of the most rare photos you have ever seen!

In my best Seth Meyers/Amy Pohler voice…REALLY?!?!?

Nope, I’ve just been incredibly lazy when it comes to updating here.

So here is a long awaited, photo-heavy post…

So first off, we had a fabulous Derby Day party back in May complete with a Mint Julep bar, YUM!


Audrey spent her breakfast looking over the odds and preparing to make her Million Dollar bet…


Lots of kids came to the party including super cute Caitlin!


Mom Mom & Pop Pop Came too!


Big hats were included as well…


Spring finally decided to show up, Audrey loves the flowers!


Enjoying the bubble bath…DSC_0255

and learning to come her own hair! DSC_0291

Here’s Audrey’s favorite new pastime…Flying! DSC_0299 DSC_0301

Pretty girl on a pretty spring day DSC_0311 

Showing of her cute smile :)


Hey, here’s a rare sight…a picture of Mom & Audrey!


Last but not least, here’s Audrey showing off here yogurt goatee…gross!



Promise the next update won’t take as long!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mama got a new camera!

Check out these pictures courtesy of my new Nikon D3000! Happy Birthday to me :)

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Friday, March 12, 2010


hooray for Hollywood!

Friday, March 5, 2010

ok, ok

Please just slap my wrist for being a bad Blogger... will a super cute picture of Audrey restore your faith in me??

Well ok then...

Not good enough??

How about an adorable video of a girl and her dog?

All is forgiven, yes?

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Ben brought to my attention a few weeks back that Audrey isn't exactly a "Baby" anymore so I thought I would spruce the blog up a bit. Any thoughts on the new design?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pool Day

Well, not's freaking freezing outside!!! Since it's January and the dreams of lounging by the pool are many months away, we improvised and had a pool day in Mommy & Daddy's bathtub! Audrey & I threw on our bathing suits (yes, both of us... Note to self: Do NOT put a bikini on in January unless you want a serious wake up call. Hmmm, I wonder why I logged 4 miles in 32 degrees today! )

Anyway, we had a blast and are counting down the seconds until we can spend time at the REAL pool!

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Little Gym!

Audrey graduated from her "Birds" class at The Little Gym yesterday! I really can't believe how much she has changed since her first class when she was only 10 months old. The first thing that come to mind is she couldn't even walk when we started... now the girl runs around like she's training for a marathon! We loved the Little Gym so much we signed up for the next semester - gotta have something to take us into the summer! I can only imagine how different she'll be once this semester ends.

Here is Audrey about a month after we started - tiny and still a little bald :)

At graduation day - Miss Allie helping her flip over the bar!

Is that some hair I finally see?

Just exploring!

We'll see you next week Little Gym!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

15 month-old in pigtails

Our little lady is 15 months old today!

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year, New Decade = Bad Blogger

Many apologies to my millions of readers out there that have been waiting on pins and needles for an update to the blog! Truth is my computer is a piece of crap and I couldn't be bothered with the 30 minutes it usually would take to post 1 picture. Anyway, I promise to do better :)

Well, we got some snow up here in Cleveland and what better way to play in the snow than go sledding - so that's what we did!

Audrey met up with her "boyfriend" Tyler :)

Still not completely sure about this whole snow thing...

Mommy & Audrey at the bottom of the hill

Ha ha ha! Check out Ben's face!!!!